Since its beginnings the World Wide Web and the behaviour of its users changed - unfortunately mostly not to the good. :-( Therefore, precautionary, I want to give here the following disclaimer. :-(
The district court of the city of Hamburg ruled in a judgement of May, 12th 1998 - 312 O 85/98 - "Haftung für Links" (liability for links), that the author of a link to another site is possibly responsible for the contents of this site (I don't know of any reversal of this judgement). The only prevention from this for me is, to explicitly distance myself from the contents of the linked sites.
At different places on this homepage you find links to other sites of the World Wide Web. For all those links the following statement applies:
Herewith I explain, that I have absolutely no influence on design and contents of any linked site. Therefore I distance myself particularly from all contents of all linked sites on my homepage. This statement applies for all links on my homepage and all contents of these sites which you can reach through links or banners.
Unfortunately I receive more and more junk emails! :-( Therefore I removed all links to my address.
Kai Schröder, 11.2.2005